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The Catholic Communities of St. Edward, Elmdale, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis & St. Mary, Upsala
Pastor: Fr. Jimmy Joseph V.C. Phone: (320) 573-2975 Email: Bookkeeper: Randi Klasen Secretary: Jessie Johnson
Office: St. Mary's, 308 S. Main Street, P.O. Box 249, Upsala MN 56384 Phone: (320) 573-2132 Email:
NCYC Fundraiser - Softener Salt Sales
Please support the students who will be going to the National Catholic Youth Conference in November.
The students will deliver the bags of Softener Salt that you order directly to your utility room, so you don't have to go to the store, and worry about loading and unloading heavy bags of salt.
1 - 4 bags are $9.00 each, 5 or more are $8.00 each. There are three kinds offered, if you only want one kind, enter the number of bags for that one and enter a zero for the other two kinds.

Orders and payment are due by May 6th. You can put a check in an envelope marked "Softener Salt Order" in the collection at Mass, mail a check to Church of St. Mary; Attn. NCYC Salt; PO Box 249; Upsala, MN 56384, or drop payment off at the office, M, T, Th, F 8am - 3:30pm.
Make checks payable to: Church of St. Mary
(1 -4 bags x $9 each, 5 or more x $8 each)
An error occurred. A number must be entered for all three kinds of salt (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.)
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